Parkscape is a voluntary registered community-focused environmental NPO with PBO status and WESSA affiliation.
Formed following the rape and murder of Franziska Blöchliger in March 2016, Parkscape seeks the creation of community-focussed, safe, biodiverse, open and shaded recreational areas/parkscapes in the buffer zones of Table Mountain National Park.
Parkscape’s vision starts with Tokai Park, which we hope will become a model for other buffer zones areas that lie between pristine National Park and the urban edge. Our vision includes opportunities for social upliftment, community building, culture and heritage, tourism and recreation for all.
Parkscape Membership Criteria
A natural person who undertakes to uphold the Constitution of Parkscape may be admitted to Membership of Parkscape on application to the Management Committee
The Management Committee may from time to time establish additional classes of non-voting membership.
Membership of any person may be terminated by the Management Committee on determination by the Committee that the Member has failed to uphold the Constitution of Parkscape. The Committee shall make no determination of this kind without offering an affected Member the opportunity to make representations to the Committee.